
Below are a selection of books Erling has authored or contributed to. Most notable is “Marine fish & invertebrates of Northern Europe” and “Secrets of the Sea”.

Marine fish & invertebrates of Northern Europe

Original title: Dyreliv i havet

“Marine fish and invertebrates of Northern Europe” is written for anyone with a general interest in marine animal life, and who would like to learn more about their way of life and behaviour, about the role they play in the drama of nature, and the benefit and nuisance they are to man. The main portion of the book is arranged in such a way that the different animal species are presented in a natural, systematic order. More than one thousand magnificent colour photos of animals taken in their natural environment support the informative text highlighting the characteristics of each animal. “Marine fish & invertebrates” covers the North European marine fauna and is a readable experience in itself. In addition, the book is an important aid and source of inspiration to all who delight in the ocean with its hidden life whether if be hobby, study or profession.

Secrets of the Sea

Original title: Havets hemmeligheter

By Erling Svensen and Bjørn Gulliksen